Module 3 - Continuing Education Programme in Support of Islamic Religious Education - 8 September 2023

Trust in the one God with many names

In the group of people who are further qualifying to teach RE, we not only get to know each other as perhaps future colleagues as Islamic and Catholic RE teachers, but we do so first in attention to the names of God with which we live from our religious traditions, which we want to learn anew and reflect on together for possible use in RE.

The focus of the day is the exploration and perception of the names of God, from the biblical-Christian as well as the Koranic-Muslim traditions. Before any intention to teach religious education, we need to understand the names of God, which we each bring with us from our own religious traditions. This foundation is the prerequisite for reflective and encouraging religious education. 

Speakers were: Prof. Dr. Christine Funk from the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Markus Röntgen from the Archdiocese of Cologne and Dr. Hakan Aydın from the ILM Academy Cologne.


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