Within the framework of the cooperation between Ibn Haldun University and ILM, master's (thesis and non-thesis) and doctoral programmes will be advertised. Candidates who wish to enroll in master's and doctoral programmes must pre-apply to ILM via e-mail with a letter of intent, including which programme they wish to apply for, after checking that they meet the application requirements for the relevant programmes of the university. 

The pre-applicants will be invited for a preliminary interview after being evaluated by ILM officials. The reference letters and the relevant quota information of the candidates whose application is approved as a result of the preliminary interview will be delivered to the university and the student candidate. Students with ILM references will be offered a discount of 65%-75% within the quotas specified below.


Programme TypeMain Department
Master's Degree with ThesisBasic Islamic Sciences
Master's Degree with ThesisCivilisation Studies
Master's Degree with ThesisEconomics
Master's Degree with ThesisBusiness
Master's Degree with ThesisReligious Sciences
Master's Degree with ThesisRadio, Television and Cinema
Master's Degree with ThesisNew Media and Communication
Master's Degree with ThesisPrivate Law
Master's Degree with ThesisPolitical Science and International Relations
Master's Degree with ThesisHistory
Master's Degree with ThesisMiddle East Studies
Master's Degree with ThesisTurkey Studies
Master's Degree with ThesisSociology
Master's Degree with ThesisFinancial Economics
Master's Degree with ThesisBig Data and Business Analytics
Master's Degree with ThesisPhilosophical, Social and Historical Foundations of Education
Master's Degree with ThesisManagement of Educational Institutions
Master's Degree with ThesisPublic Law
Master's Degree with ThesisInternational and Comparative Law
Master's Degree with ThesisAir Transport Management
Master's Degree with ThesisPhilosophy
Master's Degree with ThesisGuidance and Psychological Counselling
Programme TypeMain Department
PhDBasic Islamic Sciences
PhDCivilisation Studies
PhDNew Media and Communication
PhDPrivate Law
PhDClinical Psychology



ILM Pre-Application Period (Letter of Intent Submission):            15 June 2024 - 25 June 2024

ILM Preliminary Evaluation Results Announcement          :                                              30 June 2024

ILM Pre-Interview - Interview Date:                                                           1-2 July 2024

Quota Information by ILM, 

Forwarding the Letter of Reference to Ibn Haldun University:     3 July 2024

University Application periods:                                           1 July - 18 August 2024 



ILM Pre-Application Mail Address:

For detailed information about the programmes:

For Programme Application requirements:


For programme fees:               

(Additional discount will be applied separately)

To apply to the university:     

Contact with the University:              


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